Titulní strana / Savci / Ostatní savci / Pteropus vampyrus

Photo of kaloň malajský, Fruit Bat, Large flying Fox, Pteropus vampyrus.
kaloň malajský, Fruit Bat, Large flying Fox, Pteropus vampyrus

Pteropus giganteus 1
Sri Lanka
Photo of kaloň indický Pteropus giganteus Indian Flying Fox Indischer Flughunde

Pteropus giganteus 2
Sri Lanka
Photo of kaloň indický Pteropus giganteus Indian Flying Fox Indischer Flughunde

Pteropus giganteus 3
Sri Lanka
Photo of jestřáb chocholatý Accipiter trivirgatus Crested Goshawk Schopfhabicht

Pteropus giganteus 4
Sri Lanka
Photo of kaloň indický Pteropus giganteus Indian Flying Fox Indischer Flughunde

Pteropus giganteus 5
Sri Lanka
Photo of kaloň indický Pteropus giganteus Indian Flying Fox Indischer Flughunde

Pteropus giganteus 6
Sri Lanka
Photo of kaloň indický Pteropus giganteus Indian Flying Fox Indischer Flughunde

Pteropus giganteus 7
Sri Lanka